Golf Swing Training Aids Review
Over the past twenty years golf has grown into a worldwide phenomenon. The game of golf is now widely accessible, with high quality local affordable golf courses available for the general public. With the popularity of players like Tiger Woods the game has become a marketers dream, and nowadays there are hundreds of golf swing training aids available. Before, you jump straight in and buy the most expensive items in the store; you need to be aware that this is not always the best way forward. The best thing to do is ensure that you carry out your research, and that you are clear exactly what aspect of your golf swing you want to improve. Eg. Is it your grip? Do you want more consistency in your swing? Do you want to increase the speed of your swing? All of these need to be considered.
Within each of these areas there you have a wide choice of golf swing training aids, varying widely in cost and this is where your research will be invaluable. Below is a brief idea of what is available in the golf swing training aids market.
Improving your grip
-Gloves which indicate where you are supposed to hold the club.
-Moulded grips - Fit directly onto the club and direct where your hands should lay on the club.
-Grip wrap straps – Facilitates the correct grip pressure and secures control of the club.
-Power Balls – Builds up grip and forearm strength.
Consistent swing
-The inside approach golf swing training aids – This will help to correct hooks / slices in your swing and therefore improve your game.
-Hinged clubs - These will ‘snap’ if the swing is flawed, therefore encouraging you to swing in a consistent manner.
-Weighted clubs – The evenly weighted shafts generate momentum along the correct swing plane.
-Laser trainers – These allow you to see the swing path / plane of your swing.
Speed of swing
-Power Stance – Addresses the lower body of the golf swing. This is critical because it is the source of power of the swing.
-Power Hitter Swing Trainer - Strengthens all the important muscles of the golf swing, therefore enabling you to increase power.
-Speed Stik – Contains a speed gauge in mph. Your speed of swing is directly proportional to the distance the ball travels (if hit sweetly!). This will help to build up your power.
These are just a selection of the golf swing training aids on the market. There are many others to bear in mind as well as a wealth of videos, DVDs, and books. If you do buy a training aid then using it sporadically will not help. You will need to ensure repeated use in order to benefit, but I can assure you it will be worth it in the end!
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