Wednesday, February 21, 2007

How A Hinged Golf Club Can Help Your Game

One of the items searched for on the Internet by a large number of golfers today is a good golf swing training aid. And you can understand why when you realize that the golf swing itself is so central to playing the game well. Without a good golf swing you can't really hit the ball with any degree of competency.

You won't be surprised when I tell you there are a large number of swing aids on the market today. There are weighted swing clubs, clubs with fins, clubs that are filled with water and clubs that fit into a looped rail or metal pathway that follows the proper swing plane. Each of these will have a specific purpose or aspect of the golf swing that you work on. But one of the best swing aids I personally have ever come across is the hinged golf club.

That's right, a golf club that has a built in hinge that breaks or bends at the hinge if you don't use it properly. This is one of the best training devices available to help you develop and maintain the proper swing plane. The proper swing plane will help you to hit the ball squarely and drive it directly to your target. That is probably the single most important element to a good golf game. If you can't drive the ball directly to the target, then you obviously end up adding more and more strokes to your score. Think about it. It doesn't matter if you develop more power if all you do is drive your ball farther into the woods! No matter what you do, no matter what clubs you buy you need me to drive the ball directly to the target. That means developing your swing along the proper plane.

Once you have learned how to swing properly through a series of golf lessons, the hinged golf club will help to reinforce that training. Every time your swing is off the proper swing plane the hinged club will break and let you know it. You get instant feedback. It will break on the takeaway, the backswing, at the top of the swing, on the downswing or on the follow through. No matter where you are off-plane or doing it incorrectly, it will let you know. Once you know you can concentrate on each specific section until doing it right becomes pure instinct. You don't have to try and analyze your swing by how you hit the ball. You don't have to visit your golf pro constantly for expensive follow-up lessons to find out where you are going wrong. The hinged golf club will pin-point your flaws at any point along the swing plane and will work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! What a marvelous bargain.

Take the time to check out the various hinged clubs on the market today and you won't be sorry. In, fact you'll be happy you did once you realize your golf game is improving.